Ensuring complete and accurate song metadata is attached to all recordings at the point of creation
Credits Due explained…

Bad data is hurting everyone…
Too often music recordings and songs are not linked with the proper metadata to identify and credit the creators and contributors.
Resulting in inefficient processes and incorrect compensation for creators and rightsholders.
This hurts everyone...
Only 5 data elements needed…
1. Creator identifiers & role codes (IPI, IPN & ISNI)
2. Musical work identifier (ISWC)
3. Recording identifier (ISRC)
4. Song title & alternative song titles
5. Writer, performer, producer & contributor names
Use and share our toolkit
The Credits Due toolkit will help you spread the word about the importance of credits and how these help to ensure that the right creators are paid for all uses of their work.
The toolkit includes:
White label presentation introducing Credits Due and the credits lifecycle which can be tailored for individual audiences
Guidance and digital assets for those putting on a Credits Due branded event
Credits Due music creator checklist - download here
Credits Due writer split sheet - download here

A positive initiative…
Bringing the music industry together to ensure that complete and accurate song metadata is attached to all recordings at the point of creation.
Credits Due is a result of the The Ivors Academy of Music Creators and The Music Rights Awareness Foundation working together - to increase knowledge of music rights through education and support - to enable music creators to be credited fairly for the music they share with the world.
Worldwide support for creators…